Kent Scouts: You may wear the Adventure Challenge Badge on your uniform! If you are from elsewhere check with your local relevant commissioner. Otherwise, you can put it on your blanket!
Status: Badges in Stock. Order Below.
Please allow several working days for dispatch from your order date as your badges are packaged and dispatched by volunteers.
Adventure Challenge Badge (Approved for scout uniform in Kent!)
Kilimanjaro Fundraising Badge
If Kilimanjaro Fundraising Badges are out of stock you may be able to buy these from your local Kili Team Member who will be selling them for their personal fundraising.
Welcome to the prize draw! You can earn entries into the prize draw by completing activities (Zone and Live), and completing extra achievements! You are automatically entered when you take part but only activities marked off before 5pm on Sunday the 4th October will count!
Ages 7 and Below Prize
Giraffe plushie
Beaver/Cub Poncho
Ages 8 to 10.5 Prize
Monkey plushie
African Noise Maker
Ages 10.5 to 14 Prize
Wooden African Continent
Ages 14 and Over Prize
Wooden African Mask
You found a hidden mini Kibo and/or friend! Find them all to earn a bonus achievement!
You have found 0 of 7
I can be sparkling but I’m not a star
I can run but I don’t have any legs
I can fall but I don’t get hurt
I’m found in a bath but I’m not a rubber duck
I can help you clean but I’m not soap.
For this activity we want you to reuse your waste and create something cool! Whilst doing this, think about how you could reuse your waste in other ways to be more creative and create other things – this ones all about caring for the environment and the three R’s, reduce, reuse, recycle. Show us how you get on!
You will need:
Plastic bottles (around 4)
Something to pour the water
Something to attach the bottles to the fence with
Good Luck!
1. Cut holes in the side of 4 milk, squash, or similar bottles
2. Attach bottles to the fence
3. Pour water from the top of the waterfall wall and it should trickle down through each bottle and end up in the bucket at the end
Risk Assessment Notes
Cutting holes in the plastic bottles – be careful to not cut yourself – parental supervision
Fixing plastic bottles to fence – be careful to not cut yourself – parental supervision
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This activity has four options for you to choose from with all of them creating animals! Have a look through the options and see which ones you have the resources for before starting and which ones you prefer!
We’d love to see what you make, good luck!
Option 1 – Finger puppet
This option will be making a giraffe finger puppet!
Follow along to the video above to find out how to make it step by step.
You can make many different animals using pipe cleaners, but the video above will show you how to make a pipe cleaner monkey! Stop the video as you go so you can complete it in your own time.
Option 3 – Paper plate animals
The advantage of making animals out of paper plates is that you can do whichever animal you choose! Watch the video above for some inspiration!
1. Decide which animal(s) you are going to make
2. Design how they are going to look
3. Colour in your plates according to the colour of your chosen animals
4. Add any extra features, e.g. an elephant’s trunk
5. Add the eyes
Option 4 – Animal fruit carving
For this activity you can choose to make whichever animals you see fit. There are so many options and if you would like some inspiration or instructions to a few then you can take a look at the video above! You could even mane it extra hard by seeing if you can make any Serengeti animals!
Risk Assessment Notes
When cutting fruit, take extra care especially if using sharp knives (parental supervision needed for option 4).
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
You will need:
2 empty toilet rolls
Card/ tissue paper
For this activity we would like you to have a go at making your very own binoculars to take out on a walk with you. This is just a craft activity so they will not work in the same way that binoculars do but if you would like to go the extra step and make working ones then that would be great too!
1. Get to empty toilet roll tubes and decorate them in whichever way you like (take a look at the video above for some inspiration!)
2. Glue the toilet roll tubes side by side
3. Take a piece of card or strong paper and wrap it around the tubes to secure them further
4. Punch holes in the outside edges of the tubes
5. Attach a piece of string between these two holes, enough so it will fit around your head
6. Add any finishing touches as you see fit.
Your finished product may look a little like ours…
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
For this activity we would like you to get outside in amongst nature and see how good your senses are by going on a nature scavenger hunt! The list to find is below or there’s an example of it in action in the video above that you can follow. Make sure to respect your surroundings as you do so and simply tick off what you come across.
Outdoors challenge – Take part in an activity using natural things like leaves, bark, twigs, sand or rocks.
Girl Guides UK
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This activity has a lot of options, whether you want to have fun making a water filter, get sciency checking the pH of different household products or get creative designing a safety feature for your local water source, there’s something for everybody! So, get stuck in and show us your finished products. We look forward to seeing them!
Good Luck!
Option 1 – Water Filters
For this activity we are going to make our own water filter!
1. Using scissors or a knife, cut the bottom inch or so off of the plastic bottle
2. Punch a hole in the cap of the bottle (a hammer and nail would work nicely for this)
3. Place a coffee filter over the mouth of the bottle and tighten the cap (alternatively you can place cotton balls or similar in the bottle)
4. Place the bottle cap-side down into a mug or cup (to catch the clean water)
5. Place about an inch worth of charcoal into the bottle
6. Place about an inch worth of sand into the bottle (avoid coloured craft sand)
7. Place about an inch worth of smaller gravel into the bottle
8. Place about an inch worth of larger gravel into the bottle (leave about an inch worth of space at the top of the bottle between the larger gravel and the cut)
9. Get some dirty water and pour it into your water filter and watch as the gravel, sand, charcoal, and filter clean the water and it fills up the mug underneath
10. We recommend you don’t drink this encase it still contains nasty small bacteria. Normally we would also boil and cool the water before drinking, as well as adding a water purification agent.
You will need:
Gravel (smaller and larger)
Plastic Bottle
Hammer and nail
Coffee filter/cotton balls/gauze
Dirty Water
Option 2 – Cabbage pH experiment
For this activity we will make our own PH indicator using red cabbage.
1. Cut a red cabbage in half
2. Cut one of the halves into smaller pieces
3. Place the smaller pieces into a pot of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes
4. Strain the cabbage and water (keep the water, discard the cabbage)
5. Leave the water to cool for 30 mins
6. Place a little of the water in three different glasses
7. Place an acid (e.g. vinegar) into one, an alkali (e.g. bleach) into another and leave the third one. Be careful with your acids and alkalies.
8. The acid should turn the water red, the alkali pinkish and the third one should stay neutral.
You will need:
Red Cabbage
Pot of water
Drinking Glasses
Option 3 – Safety for others
Watch a video about keeping safe in the water and then design a way to keep people safer for a water source near you
Bonus – How far can you throw a coiled rope?
Take a coiled rope and see how far you can throw it!
Risk Assessment Notes
Use of boiling water – be careful not to burn yourself – parental supervision
Use of acids/alkalis – be careful some can be irritant – parental supervision
Use of sharp knife/scissors/hammer and nail – be careful not to cut yourself – parental supervision
Safety Activity Badge – tell others what the water safety code is about
Experiment Badge
Scientist Activity Badge- Make a pH indicator solution
Lifesaver Badge
Scientist Activity Badge
Lifesaver Activity Badge
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Innovate Stage 1
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
You will need:
Empty toilet roll
Green tissue paper (or alternative)
For this activity we would like you to have a think about the effects that deforestation has on the environment and wildlife within forests/ rainforests. To symbolise the important that trees have on our survival as humans we would also encourage you to make your own tree craft. Follow along to the video above for a quick and easy example or find a more complex one to make online!
1. Cut slits out the top of your empty toilet roll tube so every other bit along one side flaps down.
2. Stuff the top with green tissue paper or anything else in its place
3. Add extra decorations to complete your tree.
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
You will need:
Hot Water (1/3 of the jar’s worth)
Food Colouring
For this activity we would like you to undertake an experiment which uses hairspray, hot water, and ice in order to create a cloud in a jar. A step by step guide is shown in the video above with an example of how the finished product could look like so if you cannot get yours to work make sure to have a watch.
Fill a jar ⅓ of the way with hot water.
Swirl the jar round so hot water touches all of the jar.
Fill the upturned lid of the jar with ice.
Put a few drops of food colouring into the jar of hot water.
Place the upturned lid with ice onto the jar filled with hot water for a few seconds.
After a few seconds, lift the lid up and spray some hairspray into the jar and place the lid back down.
Watch as the cloud starts to form inside the jar.
Once the cloud has formed lift the lid and watch as the cloud escapes.
If you would like to take this one step further, then find out about different cloud types and how they are formed. You may also like to research how cloud types are measured by meteorologists.
Good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Hot water – be careful not to burn yourself – especially when swilling the water around the jar – parental supervision
Meteorologist – Explain how cloud type and extent are measured
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All Sections
Innovate stage 1
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
You will need:
2 bowls (1 smaller than the other)
Cold Water
Heavy object (to weigh down smaller bowl)
Natural objects to decorate
Warm water (to separate the bowls)
We thought it would be a nice idea to experiment with ice and nature so this activity involves making a nature ice bowl using two bowls, putting it in the freezer and decorating it with natural objects.
1. Place a few natural objects inside larger bowl
2. Place smaller bowl within larger bowl and spread natural object around as you want them
3. Fill larger bowl with water
4. Place a heavy object inside smaller bowl to weigh it down
5. Place in freezer for a few hours/overnight
6. Remove smaller bowl by pouring hot water into it to gently release it
7. Remove ice bowl from larger bowl by placing in a larger bowl of water to gently release it
Send us a picture of your finished result! Have fun!
Risk Assessment Notes
Use of warm/hot water – be careful of scalding
Use of freezer – possible parental supervision
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
For this activity we would like you to make your own wind vane! The way we have made ours in the video above and outlined in the steps below is a straightforward example of how to make one, but if you would like to find a more complex example then feel free to!
You will need:
Card/ paper plate
Pencil with rubber on the end
Drawing pin
Pens/ pencils
1. Draw a compass on a paper plate (N, E, S and W)
2. Cut out an arrowhead shape out of card
3. Next, cut a slit in one end of a straw and place the arrow made of card into this
4. Push the drawing pin into the straw, halfway along it, and then into the rubber end of a pencil
5. Push the other end of the pencil into the middle of your compass and hopefully it will resemble a wind vane! Check the video above for a visual step by step guide if needed!
6. Line your paper plate up with north using a compass so you can tell which way the wind is blowing
7. Head outside to test out your wind vane!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Please be careful with scissors
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
For this activity we will be creating some edible rocks. Pick one of the options below or try them all!
We’d love to see some of your creations! Your also welcome to send in videos of you making the rocks.
Option 1 – Fudge Rocks
To have a go at making rocks out of fudge, please take a look at the document below which outlines the ingredients needed and the steps to make them. We’d love to see some of your creations, good luck!
To learn about the different rock types and make your own edible rocks, take a look at the document below for the ingredients and step by step instructions. As always, we’d love to know how you get on, and good luck!
Parental help and supervision are required for this activity.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
For this activity we would like you to have a go at making your own Maasai mask! You can do this in whichever way you choose but an easy example to follow is included in the video above so take a look at that for some straightforward instructions on how to make a mask out of an empty egg carton!
You will need:
Cardboard (egg carton)
Pens/ pencils
We’d love to see some of your creations, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Please take care when using scissors.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Everyone likes to make noise so let’s gather together some materials to make our very own instruments! Pick between the two options below, or why not try out both!
Option 1 – Drumming
For this option we would like you to gather up some pots/ pans/ containers (with your parent/ guardians’ permission of course!) and find something to use to hit your chosen items. Next you will need to find a suitable video to play along to and to learn from such as the following… but there are so many out there to try too.
The last instruction is to have fun!
[Option 2 – Rain Stick
To make a rain stick you will need an empty tube with a lid to it, or you’ll have to make your own lid before you proceed. The instructions are very simple!
1. Take your empty tube and fill it with a couple of handfuls of rice/ grains/ beans or whatever else you have to hand
2. Place the lid back on the tube firmly and now it is ready to move from side to side to make a rain sound effect.
To make your rain stick even better you can put toothpicks in the side of it and/ or coil up some aluminium foil and place in your tube, so the rice/ grain/ beans have obstacles to pass through creating an even cooler sound!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Swahili is the one of the most widely spoken languages of Tanzania along with English. So we would like you to learn how to say ‘Hello my name is…’ in Swahili.
For more of a challenge, add in extra phrases such as ‘I am … years old’, ‘I have … pets’, ‘I live with…’, etc, and see how well you can pick up simple phrases in this new language.
International Badge – Learn how to say hello and goodbye in a language other than your own.
Communicator badge – hold a simple conversation in another language
International Badge – In a language other than your own, introduce yourself and say a few basic, useful, everyday phrases
International Badge – Explore aspects of another country’s culture such as their greetings
Girl Guides UK
Languages Badge
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
We would encourage you to watch the video above before continuing with this activity!
Your task is to design your own necker (or scarf) that would be suitable for a trip to Mount Kilimanjaro! As of yet, the team for the 2022 expedition does not have a necker and we would love to have your input in what it looks like. So, get creative, send us in your best creations and if we do end up choosing one of yours then we will get them all made up and send you your very own one too!
Have a think about what colours or design you think will be best and maybe even a patch on the back.
You will need:
Pens/ pencils
We cannot wait to see what you come up with, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Be careful when using scissors
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Maasai villages are made of very fascinating houses and a traditional Maasai house is called an ‘enkaji’. These homes are temporary and made from a variety of materials such as soil, twigs, grass and cow dung and using timber poles for the framework. So, for this activity we would like you to have a go at making your very own salt dough buildings. Follow the instructions below to make your salt dough and then get creating!
1. Place 1 cup of plain flour, ½ cup of salt and ½ cup of water into a bowl.
2. Mix it with a wooden spoon until it comes to a nice dough
3. Use your hands to turn it into a ball
4. Roll it out using a rolling pin
5. Start making a Maasai building or any other Maasai themed creation!
To bake them, put your creations on an oven try and place them in an oven on the lowest setting for about 3 hours until they are nice and firm.
You will need:
Plain flour (1 cup)
Salt (½ cup)
Water (½ cup)
Wooden spoon
Rolling pin
(Baking tray and oven to harden creations)
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Parental supervision needed for younger participants
Extra care needed if using the oven
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This is a draft Popup. Activity Intro will go here.
Take a look at the recipe above with all the ingredients and step by step instructions you need to make your own fried plantain! If you can’t try a plantain, then try it with a banana.
Good luck!
Option 2 – Lay a table
If you do not have access to the resources or appliances to cook any African styled food, then this option is for you!
This activity involves you laying a table for any meal that you were having already but with an African hint to it! If you have already done some of the activities from other zones, then you may have some decorations already such as origami animals, a Tanzanian flag, a basket weaved from card or even some animal masks that could act as place mats! Whatever you have to hand will work well and we’d love to see your final decorated tables!
We hope you have fun!
Risk Assessment Notes
Parent supervision is required throughout for younger sections as there is the use of hot oil in both recipes provided
World challenge – Take part in activities from another country.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
We would like you to have a go at weaving! It can be a very relaxing activity once you get the hang of it. If you don’t have any card to hand then opt for option 1 but if you do then you can make your own basket with option 2. Go for whichever one suits you more, good luck!
Option 1 – Natural items
1. Head outside to find a few sticks and long pieces of grass, as long as you can find!
2. Lay out all of your sticks in a line
3. Weave the long pieces of grass in an out of the sticks by going over the first one and under the second all the way to the end of the stick line, with the next piece of grass doing the opposite (under the first and over the second).
4. Repeat step 3 until you run out of grass!
Option 2 – Basket
It is actually pretty straightforward to make a basket out of card so grab some card, scissors and tape and follow along to the video above! This is an example of what your finished creation could look like…
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Careful with Scissors
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
It is always important to take some time to stop what you are doing, relax and find time to meditate. It is very good for reducing stress, promoting emotional health and increasing self-awareness. This activity looks at different aspects of meditation and mindfulness and so we hope there is an option here that suits you!
You may even wish to put on some relaxing music whilst doing this or schedule this activity for the end of the day when you are winding down.
Option 1 – Mandala
For this option we would like you to design and colour your very own mandala. Alternatively, you can find one online and print it off to colour in. Watch the video above or have a quick google to find out exactly what a mandala is!
Option 2 – Meditation
This option gets you trying out a commonly recognised form of meditation for yourself. Follow along to a video online or try something from the following website…
Option 3 – Positivity
For this option we would like you to take some time to write out all of the things that you are grateful for at present and place them in a jar. Similarly, you could do this with positive quotes that mean a lot to you or you love to hear. Then, whenever you don’t feel quite yourself, you can come back to this jar and remind yourself of all the positive thoughts in your life. Enjoy!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
You will need:
String/ thread
Traditionally, a large amount of African jewellery is made from lots of chunky colourful beads and locally sourced jewels and stones to create very bold statement necklaces and bracelets. For this activity we would like you to have a go at creating your own necklaces or bracelets out of wooden beads (or any other beads you have to had). You can do this in whichever style you like or whichever way you can do with the resources you have!
Remember to tie off the ends so the beads don’t fall off though! You may like to try a fisherman’s knot, which will allow you to adjust the size of your necklace/bracelet. Try this Youtube Video
We’d love to see some of your creations, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
If you use scissors to cut your string or a flame to sear the ends, please be careful – Parent supervision
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Traditional dancing in Tanzania is a must see with many of the locals being very proud of their dancing roots. We would like you to get up and try to dance along with them! Learn a little bit about the dance style first and then watch along to a video and see if you can master any of the skills! You are more than welcome to freestyle in between. So, turn on the music, get ready to dance and see what you can learn about another culture.
Let’s see some of your best dance moves, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Ensure you have cleared a space to move around in and try to get warmed up beforehand.
World challenge – Take part in activities from another country.
International – Learn a song, play a game or perform a dance from another country.
Girl Guides UK
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
For this activity we would like you to get creative and have a go at making animals using paper or towels! Click on the options below to find out more!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Option 1 – Origami
Have a go at making simple origami animals from tutorials online, there’s so many to choose from! You may even wish to decorate them and make a few. We’d love to see how successful you are, good luck!
Option 2 – Towels
As an alternative, you can make animals out of towels! The video above is an example of how you can make an elephant out of towels so find your most elephant-coloured towels and make yours whilst watching the video!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This activity has three different options all to do with drawing different animals of your choice. You can simply watch along to a tutorial and have a go yourself at drawing an animal, make a flip book of an animal (or anything of your choice) moving throughout the pages, or create an animated drawing using a computer! Hopefully there is an option that suits you!
Option 1 – Draw!
If you are happy drawing animals straight from memory then you can do exactly that, or if you need some more inspiration and guidance then follow along to a video online. YouTube has many good channels to watch along too so get your parents/ carers to find a suitable one for you to follow.
Option 2 – Flip Book
Create your very own flip book with the same animal or drawing moving slightly on each page to create a story. Look online for some inspiration and even a few simple drawings to get you started!
Good luck!
Option 3 – Animated Drawing
For anyone who prefers to use a computer for designing, this option is for you! Open up a computer software of your choice and see if you can draw some recognisable animals. If you have the time you may even wish to turn them into cartoons.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Pancakes are great for any time of the day! So, for this activity we would like you to make your own pancakes and then design them into any animals of your choice. How you make the pancakes is entirely up to you, this can be straight from a pancake mix or you can make your own batter before starting. Watch the video above for our attempt and see what animals you can make! Share your creations and see if others can guess which animals you have made.
You Will Need:
Ready-made Pancake mix OR 100g plain flour, 2 large eggs, 300ml milk, 1 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil and a pinch of salt, mixed together.
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Make sure you have parental supervision at all times, especially when cooking your pancakes to start with as the pan will be hot. Be careful if using knives to cut out shapes.
Cook – Choose three dishes to prepare and cook (x1).
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Live Smart stage 1
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
You may have heard of the puzzle which involves working out how a farmer could get a fox, chicken and bag of grain across a river whilst only taking one at a time. If you have then this activity may be quite straightforward for you, but we’d recommend you trying to show the answer in a creative way such as recording a video with the answer being demonstrated or you telling someone. If you have never heard of this riddle, then that’s great too, as that makes it more of a challenge! Either way, your task is to come up with an answer to the following riddle….
A farmer buys a leopard, a red colobus monkey and a bag of beans at a market and sets off to get them all home. On their way home, the farmer comes across a river and so hires a boat to get across. Sadly, the farmer can only fit one of his new purchases on the boat with him at a time. He can paddle back and forth across the river more than one but none of the animals can swim and there are no bridges in site. Just to make matters worse, he knows the leopard cannot be left on the same side of the river as the red colobus monkey otherwise the leopard would eat the monkey. Also, the monkey cannot be left on the same side as the bag of beans otherwise the monkey will eat all of the beans! We need your help to come up with a way of helping the farmer get all three of his new purchases across the river without any of them eating each other! How will you do it?
If you record a video to show your answer then we’d love to see it! You can watch the video above for inspiration for how to identify the 3 purchases!
Skills challenge – Complete at least two problem solving missions (x1)
Skills challenge – Take part in at least two problem solving activities (x1)
Skills challenge – Take part in at least three activities that require a number of problem solving skills (x1)
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This activity gets you learning about the huge stampede of animals that migrate between the Serengeti and the Maasai Mara Game Reserve every year! There’s an option for simply learning about the migration and telling others what you have found out, and an option to make your own stop motion video explaining it!
Pick whichever one sounds most interesting to you and let us know how you get on! Good luck!
Option 1 – Learn
Watch a few videos on the mass migration of wildebeests between the Serengeti and Maasai Mara Game Reserve and see if you can share what you have learned with others!
Option 2 – Create!
Make your own video to explain the mass migration of wildebeests between the Serengeti and Maasai Mara Game Reserve in whichever style suits you. If you have a quick watch of the video above, then you will see an example of a stop motion video with the pom poms acting as the wildebeests. The easiest way to do this is to download a ‘stop motion video creator’ app onto whichever device you are using and simply take lots of pictures step by step and the app will transform it into a video for you!
If you send us any of your creations during the launch weekend itself, then we may even be able to include them in our campfire or closing ceremony with your permission!
All that’s left to say is to get creative and have fun! Good luck!
Artist – Make a video on a subject that interests you.
Photographer – Using a digital camera, make a short film on a subject of your choice
Girl Guides UK
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This activity gets you having fun with leaves! Have a look through the options below to see which one you would prefer to do and then head outside to collect the leaves you need to complete it!
Option 1 – Leaf lanterns
With this option you can transform some plain glass tealight holders of even empty jam jars into beautiful leaf lanterns. Simply stick on some pretty leaves, give them a coat of glue, and let the light shine through.
You will need:
PVA glue
Tealight holder/ jam jar
1. Flatten your leaves by pressing them underneath heavy books for a short while.
2. Coat the outside of the glass with glue
3. Press on your leaves in any pattern you choose. If it’s autumn where you are, you may even choose to use red or gold leaves, but any design or combination will work.
4. Paint another thick coat of PVA over the leaves.
5. Let them dry thoroughly, then place a tealight inside and light it.
Option 2 – Leaf printing
Leaves and flowers can make impressive prints so for this activity option we would like you to get creative!
You will need:
Paper/ card
Coloured paint
1. Gather the leaves you wish to print, paper/ card and some paint
2. Paint one side of the leaf and carefully push it onto your paper/ card
3. Repeat this with a range of leaves and if you wish to then you can build up a collage of different layers of coloured leaf prints.
Option 3 – Leaf Crown
Take a look at the video above to show you a very simple way of making a leaf crown!
You will need:
Paper/ card
Glue/ sellotape
1. Measure the paper/ card around your head and cut to size
2. Pick out the leaves you wish to include in your crown
3. Stick the leaves or other natural objects onto your crown in whichever design you choose
4. Wear your newly made leaf crown!
We would love to see how your leaf crowns turn out, good luck!
Outdoors challenge – Take part in an activity using natural things like leaves, bark, twigs, sand or rocks.
Naturalist – Create a piece of art using natural material. You could do a bark or leaf rubbing, dried flower picture or maybe a collage.
Girl Guides UK
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
We would like you to get creative! It’s very hard to see in the dark without a source of light so we would like you to design your very own lanterns. This can be using a glass jar if you have one spare or using a tin can if not and decorating it however you’d like. You can base it off Kilimanjaro or the Serengeti animals perhaps and if you need help to come up with a design or the steps in this activity then watch the video above!
You will need:
Lantern (Tin can or glass jar)
Pen/ pencil
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Take care when using tealights so you don’t get burned
Parental supervision when lighting tealights and with the use of glass
Skills challenge – Learn and use three of these skills (light a candle)
Creative – Try a craft
Girl Guides UK
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Your task is to make your own Serengeti. You can do this in 2D or 3D using whatever you have available, there is no right or wrong answer! We just want to see what you come up with. Click on the two options below and watch the video for some inspiration!
You may even want to see if any of the animals in your DIY Serengeti are endangered and why that is the case.
Option 1 – 2D Serengeti
Make a 2D Serengeti using paper, card, pens and pencils or even some animal stickers if you have any! Decide what you want to include and then just go for it!
We’d love to see what you create, good luck!
Option 2 – 3D Serengeti
To make a 3D Serengeti model you could use recycled objects or even just your room as it is! Give us a tour around your Serengeti and let your imagination run wild. If you have a garden and the weather is good, then you can always transform that into the Serengeti instead!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Be careful when using sharp objects
Watch your stepping if you are moving items around
Get help to lift any heavy items if you are intending to move them
Global Issues – Create a ‘zoo’ of endangered animals and find out why they are endangered.
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Innovate stage 1
Animal Lover
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
We would like you to do your bit and clear up a small amount of litter. It doesn’t have to be a big job just enough for you to make a difference as the saying goes ‘many hands make light work’. Dispose of the rubbish sensibly and make sure to stay safe!
You will need:
Bin bag
Litter picker (if you have one)
You may like to combine this with your “Trek Kili” activity in the Mt Kilimanjaro Zone!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
When you are out and about be careful of your surroundings and ensure you know the area or take appropriate equipment to help you get back safely such as a map.
Wear appropriate footwear and dress accordingly to the weather.
Do not pick up any litter with your bare hands
Dispose of the rubbish in a sensible way
Younger Members will need Parental supervision throughout (they can help too!)
World challenge – Take part in an activity about the environment.
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Make Change stage 1
Zero Waste
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Watching the sunrise on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro will be something to remember forever. We’re sure you have a special memory of a sunrise or sunset yourself too! Therefore, we will be making our own craft versions. Follow along to the video above to see an example of how they can turn out!
You will need:
2 sheets of black card
1 sheet of white card
Crayons/ chalk/ paint
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Younger participants should be careful with scissors.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
We Have Cumulatively walked up and down Kilimanjaro
That’s a total of
miles so far!
We would like to see how far we can walk in total! So, we need you to go for a walk and measure how far you have been to add to our grand total. This will update the total and show everyone how many times up Kilimanjaro we have walked collectively in miles! So, get your shoes on and head out with your family or friends on a nice leisurely walk and see how much difference you can make to the total!
You will need:
An app to track distance
Suitable footwear
If you are unable to go on a walk outside due to local restrictions, then why not walk around your home or on the spot and count your steps!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
When you are out and about be careful of your surroundings and ensure you know the area or take appropriate equipment to help you get back safely such as a map.
Wear appropriate footwear and dress accordingly to the weather.
Be aware of other people and follow your local COVID guidelines
Adventure challenge – Go on a ramble or nature walk with a purpose
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Enter Your Distance Walked Below
Your distance will be added to our grand total!
We would encourage you to set up a fort in your room or a tent outside and sleep in it for one night as part of this challenge weekend (or any time after!). A few activities from elsewhere in these activity zones ask you to pack a camp bag or see how much your camp bag weighs so if you have planned it well you could tick off a couple of activities all in one go!
You will need:
Tent/ DIY shelter/ hammock
Usual camp kit
We’d love to see a picture of your creations and homes for the night!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Make sure you have permission from your parents to sleep outside
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
At the very top of a mountain there is often a big sign to show you that you have made it. This can be referred to as the ‘summit sign’ and is the end goal for our climbers on the 2022 Kilimanjaro expedition! All summit signs are different, but we would like you to have a go at recreating the one that currently stands at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro! How you do this exactly is completely up to you, but the video above has two different examples, of varying scales, so have a watch before you begin!
You will need (Completely depends on the scale and design of your sign!):
Lollipop sticks, glue and pens
Wood, nails, hammer, tape/ paint/ pens
We’d love to see some of your creations! Good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Be careful when using tools and construction materials such as wood and nails. Ensure you have parental supervision at all times.
DIY – Show how to use and take care of tools safely
DIY – Help design and make two items while an adult supervises you (x1)
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Innovate stage 1
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It is important to take time to reflect from time to time, to look back at a day at a time or after a big achievement like attempting to climb Mount Kilimanjaro! So, for this activity we would like you to take some time to reflect. You could look at your best memories/ achievements, find encouragement for challenges that lie ahead or maybe even write a letter/ advice to yourself (if you could go back in time for a year, what would you tell yourself that you didn’t know then that you do now).
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
It’s really important to stay hydrated in your day to day life and especially important when taking on a physical challenge such as climbing a mountain. With the climate usually being warm in Tanzania too we need to know that we are consuming enough liquids throughout this trip. To get you involved we would like you to keep a record of how much water (and other drinks) you consume in a day! You can show this in a creative way such as a diary with water droplets representing every so many ml, or by a simple tally chart… whatever works best for you!
What you need:
Something to keep track of amount of water
Bonus activity: Glass of water
Let us know how you get on, and good luck!
Bonus option – How quickly can you drink a glass of water?
Risk Assessment Notes
If you try the bonus option do not do it more than once!
Skills challenge – Take part in three activities on how to keep your body fit and healthy (x1)
Skills challenge – Take part in three activities to help you be healthy (x1)
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
I am sure we are very aware of the need to keep our hands clean in order to be safe and healthy by now! This will be very key on the mountain too as there will not be access to any showers! To learn the importance of using soap when washing your hands, we have included this simple hand washing experiment.
You will need:
Soap/ washing liquid
1. Fill a bowl with water and sprinkle pepper into it
2. Place your finger in the water and notice that nothing happens
3. Next, put a bit of soap or washing up liquid on the end of your finger
4. Put your finger back in the water and see what happens!
It is really cool to watch and shows that we need to use soap when washing our hands as it chases the germs (pepper in this case) away. See if you can find out the science behind this and how the concept of the surface tension of the water places a part in the experiment.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Get someone to film yourself ‘climbing a mountain’ whilst staying in your own home. Use a sofa to be your mountain and be as creative as possible! Watch the video above to understand what we mean and any online resources to get even more inspiration!
You will need:
Sofa or alternative “mountain”
Any props (rope, helmet etc)
We’d love to see some of your results, have fun!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro will not be an easy challenge physically, so we need to make sure we are fit enough to undertake this expedition. To get you involved in this, we would like you to get up and get moving!
You have complete control over this activity, and this means that you can do as much or as little as you feel comfortable doing. We would encourage you to try to get your heartbeat going faster but you know your own limits so please be mindful of this. Make up a workout of your own, or do some home exercises as a family, or even have a look online for an appropriate workout to follow along to, whatever suits you!
If you are looking for some fun inspiration then do join us on Sunday at 10am (if you are taking part in the challenges across the launch weekend) or go back to that scheduled activity (if you are taking part after the original weekend) to take part in our very own Campersize along with us. We are not qualified in workouts or exercise in any way, but we are ready to get moving and have a lot of fun as we do so, so please join us!
Maybe even test your heartbeat before, during and after your workout to see any differences!
Whatever you get up to for this activity, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Please be aware of your surroundings when carrying out this activity. Make sure you have a sufficient area to exercise in and you are warmed up correctly.
Athletics – Take part in a proper warm up and warm down routine.
Athletics – Run through an appropriate warm-up and warm-down routine are important.
Athletics – Run through an appropriate warm-up routine that involves gentle stretching and loosening exercises, using all the main muscle groups.
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Feel Good Stage 1
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For this activity we would like you to build your own mountain! Check out the two options below and choose the one you like the most!
We’d love to see some of your creations! Good luck!
Option 1 – Recycled Mountain
We would like you to make your own version of Mount Kilimanjaro out of recycled objects! How you do this is entirely up to you so get creative and see what you can come up with. Watch the video above for some inspiration! If you don’t have any recyclable objects or would prefer to make something digitally have a look at option 2.
Option 2 – Minecraft Mountain
If you have Minecraft we would like you to make/terraform your own mountain out of Minecraft blocks! You can do this in creative or survival, and make it as big as you would like! If you can make Mt Kilimanjaro or Mt Meru even better!
Risk Assessment Notes
Be careful when using scissors and be mindful of sharp edges whilst cutting.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
There is a ‘Kilimanjaro song’ which is often sung by the guides and porters who are a vital part in the mountain expeditions about the mountain itself and to congratulate people on their summit attempts. It is all in their native language, but we have attached the lyrics below and so for this activity we would love for you to have a go at singing along to it. If you would like extra help with pronunciation and the rhythm, then you can follow along to many videos from online.
We will be singing this song as part of our camp fire! So hopefully you can sing along with us. You can make use of the above video to help you.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
For this activity we would like you to have a look at the night sky and the star constellations. See if you can come up with a creative way of making the constellations out of cut out stars or a torch and a stencil. Watch the video above to see this activity explained further. You may even wish to wait until the evening when it is a lot darker and go outside to take a look at the constellations yourself if it is a clear night. You can download an app to tell you where to look and what exactly you’re looking at!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
You will need:
Pen and paper for labels of different phases
Oreos, or something similar, to crate the different phases
Ages 7 and Below
Learn about the moon cycle and use biscuits, oreos or anything else you may have to create them (using food means you get to eat the extra bits!) After creating the moon cycle, label the different phases with the correct names.
Ages 8 – 10.5
Learn about the moon cycle and use biscuits, oreos or anything else you may have to create them (using food means you get to eat the extra bits!) After creating the moon cycle, label the different phases with the correct names.
Ages 10.5 to 14
Learn about the moon cycle and use biscuits, oreos or anything else you may have to create them (using food means you get to eat the extra bits!) After creating the moon cycle, label the different phases with the correct names.
Explain how the moon affects tides
Ages 14 and Above
Learn about the moon cycle and use biscuits, oreos or anything else you may have to create them (using food means you get to eat the extra bits!) After creating the moon cycle, label the different phases with the correct names.
Astronomer Badge – Observe the moon, using binoculars or a telescope if you can. Describe some of its features.
Astronomer Badge – Explain how the moon affects the tides.
Science and Technology Badge – Learn the meaning of technical astronomical terms. Give a detailed description of our galaxy and solar system, including planets and other bodies.
Girl Guides UK
Space Badge
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This activity is aimed at trying to get you to make and follow stick trails, which is known as ‘tracking’. Watch the video above for some help understanding what tracking is or search online for further help and then when you’re on a walk or just outside and have a few minutes to spare, give it a go yourself!
You will need:
Sticks/ stones (whilst on a walk or outside)
Appropriate footwear and clothing
Create a route for someone else to follow by using sticks or stones to make an arrow to guide them to the left or right and help them out with arrows pointing forwards along the way too. When you get to your finish point, find the most appropriate symbol to create to let them know they are finished!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
When you are out and about be careful of your surroundings and ensure you know the area or take appropriate equipment to help you get back safely such as a map.
Wear appropriate footwear and dress accordingly to the weather.
Navigator stage 2 – Go for a walk and use one of these methods of navigation (tracking)
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
You will need:
Paper Mache Stuff (PVA, newspaper, paint)
Plastic Bottle or similar container
Food Colouring
Baking Soda (Bicarbonate of soda)
Dish Soap
Making your own lava volcano can be both fun and easy! This activity will take a little bit longer than the others if you build your volcano as it will need to dry, however if you wish you can try the experiment part without building the volcano!
1. Take a plastic bottle and cut the top off and put it inside itself to create a reaction chamber
2. Paper Mache around the bottle to create your volcano
3. Paint your volcano (optional)
4. Add 2 spoonfuls of baking soda to your reaction chamber
5. Add a spoonful of dish soap
6. Add some food colouring
7. Mix together
8. Squirt in your vinegar
9. Watch the eruption! (Add more vinegar as needed)
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Do not create a closed in reaction chamber, this may explode
Parent supervision for young participants, use of sharp scissors
Scientist – Find out how vinegar reacts with different items
Scientist – Complete three experiments (1)
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Innovate Stage 1
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For this activity we would like you to measure the vital capacity of your lungs (maximum amount of air you can exhale after fully inhaling, usually around 80% of total capacity). To do this you will need a balloon and either a measuring tape or piece of string to do the same job.
1. Get a balloon ready, stretch it out to start with
2. Take a big breath in
3. Breath out into the balloon
4. Hold the balloon closed, and you can tie the end up if you wish
5. Measure the diameter of the balloon.
You may want to try this while standing, sitting and then lying down and see if there is any difference. Why could that be?
Does your vital capacity change as you get older? Get your parents to test it out to!
Let us know how you get on and what conclusions you come up with, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Balloon may be a chocking hazard to small children. Supervision recommended.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
For this activity we will be making our own compass. You can follow along to the video above or read the instructions provided below. If your creation works then try testing it out whilst moving around!
You will need:
Sewing needle
Bowl of water
1. Fill a bowl halfway with water
2. Cut a piece of cork about ¼ inch thick
3. Rub magnet along needle in one direction a few times
4. Insert the needle into the cork
5. Place the needle and cork into the bowl of water – it should face north!
Remember we would love to see yours in action! Good luck!
Ages 7 and Below
As activity description above
Ages 8 to 10.5
As activity description and show the effects of metallic and magnetic materials upon it.
Ages 10.5 to 13
As activity description and describe how does a compass work? What is declination and why do you have to adjust the compass before use?
Ages 14 and Above
As activity description and describe how does a compass work? What is declination and why do you have to adjust the compass before use?
Risk Assessment Notes
Use of knife to cut cork – parental supervision
Careful when inserting the needle into the piece of cork – parental supervision
Scientist Badge – Make a simple compass. Show the effects of metallic and magnetic materials upon it.
Scientist Badge – How does a compass work? What is declination and why do you have to adjust the compass before use?
Girl Guides UK
Explore stage 2 – Make a compass and lead the way.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
You will need:
Plastic Bottle or jar
Food Colouring
Alka-Seltzer Tablets
Vegetable Oil
Making your own lava lamp can be both fun and easy! While these don’t light up (unless you add a torch to the bottom), they react very similar to a proper lava lamp! Make sure you don’t overfill your container or you may find it will overflow!
1. Take an empty container
2. Add vegetable oil (about 2/3rds)
3. Add water
4. Add food colouring of your choice
5. Add Alka-Seltzer Tablets
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Parent supervision – Alka-Seltzer is an aspirin, young participants should be kept under supervision.
Scientist – Compare the density of different liquids
Scientist – Complete three experiments (1)
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Innovate Stage 1
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For this activity we would like you to have a go at using and understanding semaphore which is a form of communication using flags. We have attached the semaphore alphabet below for you to use throughout this activity, but you could also find an alternative online if you prefer. Your task is to try to work out what the word in the video above (it is also inserted as a picture below) is. It has been made out of semaphore letters so see if you can translate the pictures into a word! If you manage to do that then see if you can make your own words or phrases and get others to guess them using semaphore!
You will need:
Red/ yellow card
2 sticks
You may even want to try spelling your name in semaphore!
Communicator – Try to work out a simple message given to you in semaphore
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Communicate stage 1
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Making shadows using a torch and your hand is a very simple but fun activity, so we thought we’d include it for you to have a go out. Watch the video above to get some inspirations of simple shadow animals to make using only your hands and see what other ones you can come up with!
You will need:
Torch/ light
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
We would like you to take part in your own warm up routine. It is important to warm up before exercise and cool down appropriately afterwards and as Mount Meru is considered a ‘warm up’ to Mount Kilimanjaro, we thought this would be a great activity to include! However, there’s one more aspect to it, we would like you to lead a warm up for someone else. You could run one for your family or friends, or even for your teddies!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Make sure you have cleared a space to move around in safely to avoid injury or damage to household items.
Athletics – Take part in a proper warm up and warm down routine, using all the main muscle groups.
Athletics – Run through an appropriate warm-up and warm-down routine using all the main muscle groups. Explain why both are important.
Girl Guides UK
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
To get you in the spirit we challenge you to spell the words ‘Kili 2022’ out of camp related items. You can use any of your camp kit for this but if you don’t have enough camp related items, then you are more than welcome to choose other items around your home. The only catch is that you can’t use more than one of the same item, otherwise that would be too easy!
You will need:
Scouting items (if you don’t have enough – use other items but all have to be the same) see video for reference.
Good luck!
Bonus challenge – Add in our trip logo and a photo of Kibo into your design.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
A lot of people can feel stressed or anxious when travelling so this activity will get you making stress balls to help calm you whenever you need it the most. Stress balls are both useful and fun! Watch the video above for step by step instructions and example of the finished product.
You will need:
Rice/Pasta/flour/something similar
Nappy Bags/food bags/something similar
Things to decorate (if wanted)
The main task is to add flour, rice, sand, beans, or something similar, to a balloon to make a stress ball with different textures. You can also experiment with different colours and patterns to make them your own!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Risk Assessment Notes
Use of scissors – careful of cutting themselves – parental supervision.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This activity encourages you to create your own pocket game for travelling. The example we use is for ‘noughts and crosses’ but if you are feeling extra creative then you can make any other game you wish (if it’s successful we can share with others!). To do this, you will put two designs on a handful of small stones to distinguish between the noughts and the crosses. You may even like to design/ find out a bag to keep them safe in too.
You will need:
10 stones/ buttons/ coins etc OR 5 of one kind and 5 of another
Pens or paint
Small bag
Noughts and crosses:
1. Collect 10 small items (e.g. stones, buttons, coins etc) OR 5 of one of these items and 5 of another. If you have chosen 10 of the same item then continue to step 2, whereas if you have chosen 5 of one item and 5 of another, skip to step 3.
2. Using pen/ paint/ tape or anything else you choose, draw a ‘X’ on 5 of the stones and a ‘O’ on the other 5. You may wish to design them in a more creative way such as drawing 5 ladybirds and 5 bees.
3. Cut out 4 equal pieces of string to be the lines for the game.
4. Find a suitable small bag to put the game in.
5. Try your newly made game of ‘noughts and crosses’ out with a family member or friend!
You can now take your new game with you on camps or journeys to keep you occupied. As before, if you manage to design any other pocket games then make sure to let us know!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This activity gets us looking at the Tanzanian flag and how it’s put together. Using whatever resources you have available, we would like you to make your own version of the flag of Tanzania. If you are using card/ paper or even colouring yours in completely you can follow along to the step by step instructions in the video above. After you have finished that, turn your flag over and find five fun facts about the country, there’s many to choose between!
You will need:
Paper/ card
Pens + pencils (or anything similar)
You may even wish to show us your flag if you manage it, good luck!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
Did you know that there are over 7,000 languages in the world? That’s amazing! As we will be travelling to another country in a completely different continent for this expedition, we thought it would be a great idea to get you learning to say a simple greeting in a range of other languages. So for this activity, we would like you to find out how to say ‘hello’ in 20 different languages! Try to write them down first and then say them out loud. See how many you can remember after a couple of minutes too!
International Badge – In a language other than your own, introduce yourself and say a few basic, useful, everyday phrases.
International Badge – Explore aspects of another country’s culture such as their greetings.
Girl Guides UK
Languages badge
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
We would like to see how quickly you can pack a bag! Take a look at the options below for the specific challenges including a bonus challenge of how many tops you can put on in one minute! Try to beat our times!
Option 1 – Speed Packing
Get someone to film you packing the items listed below in your camp bag. If items are missing, then find a substitute. Try to beat our times (in the video above)!
Rucksack or similar
Sleeping Bag
Water Bottle
Scout Uniform
Spare Socks
Option 2 – Blindfolded!
Get someone to film you packing the items listed below in your camp bag, but do so BLINDFOLDED! If items are missing, then find a substitute. Try to beat our times (in the video above)!
Rucksack or similar
Sleeping Bag
Water Bottle
Scout Uniform
Spare Socks
Option 3 – Dressing
See how many tops/ t shirts you can put on in one minute! Have a watch of the video above to see how we get on!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
When you travel on an aeroplane you have to stick to a certain weight for your baggage. So, we have included this activity to test your ability to stick to an ideal weight when packing.
Your task is to pack a bag with anything you like but with the aim of getting it as close to 22kg as possible. If you have no way of measuring its weight, then see how many items you can fit into a pillowcase! Take a pillow out of the pillowcase and gather items to fit inside it. The only catch is that you cannot put more than one of the same item in… so each item needs to be different.
You will need:
Camp rucksack/ large bag/ suitcase and items to fill it with
Scales (If no access to scales, then a pillowcase is needed)
Skills challenge – Take part in at least two problem solving activities that you haven’t done before (x1)
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
In order to go on this expedition to Mount Kilimanjaro in 2022, the team are working hard to ensure they have sufficient funds for the travel, the hike itself, and to pay those helping us when we’re out there! Additionally, the group has a group fund target to reach and this is where the Kilimanjaro Adventure Challenge comes in! To make sure we included such an important aspect of our trip (the money behind it!) we have set this task for you. You can watch along to the video above if you like and pause it when you have a challenge to carry out or simply carry on reading here…You have three challenges…
1) Find the oldest coin in your house and record the year it was made
2) Find the coin which is nearest to the year that you were born in and record the difference (0 years difference would be the best!)
3) Find currency from a different country (if you do not have any foreign currency then have a google and find your favourite)
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
Help Us Fund The Fun
Did you know you could help us out without it costing you anything? We are registered with easyfundraising who collect donations from shops that you shop at online. If you shop though them then we can get a small donation from the retailer at no extra cost to you!
Find out more at the bottom of our donations page or go straight to easy-fundraising below.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
For this activity we would like you to have a go at making any form of transport out of paper. There are so many resources online which give you help and instructions on how to make boats, simple planes and even more advanced ones! Find something suitable and have a go. You can see how well it flies and compare different planes together to find your best one! Let us know which one you decide on after measuring their flight times and distance!
You will need:
Colouring pens/ pencils (if you choose)
You can follow along to the video above to make a simple plane.
Air activities stage 1 – Make an aircraft our of paper and see how well it flies.
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
We would encourage you to watch the video above before starting this activity.
You will need:
Paper/ card
Pens + pencils (or anything similar)
To get on most forms of public transport you need to have a ticket, so for this activity we’d like you to make your own ticket to Kilimanjaro! You can do so in whichever way suits you! Perhaps you would like to create a plane ticket for the way there, or a bus ticket from the mountain to the Serengeti, or even a generic ticket for the trip as a whole, the possibilities are endless.
If you would like to take this a step further, then the second part of this activity is to make your own passport too. This could be in the style of a usual passport if you fancy, but for a bit of inspiration then watch the video above and you could design yours in the same way. If you do so, then you’ll have a useful place to record all of the activities you took part in during this Adventure Challenge or even to record which ones you still have left to do! The only requirements are to get creative and to have fun!
Let us know how you get on, good luck!
(Optional) Show us what you did! – Upload Your Files
This is a draft Popup. Activity Intro will go here.